In a groundbreaking move, easyJet is launching a recruitment campaign that features individuals from various backgrounds, including an opera singer, former chef, and ex-radio presenter, to challenge stereotypes surrounding cabin crew positions.
With plans to hire over 1,000 new cabin crew members this year, easyJet is actively encouraging career changers to apply. The campaign underscores that life experiences and transferable skills, such as customer service, communication, teamwork, and people management, make many individuals well-suited for the role.
The initiative also showcases a former dental nurse, optician, and Paris police officer as part of the campaign.
This campaign follows easyJet’s previous efforts to encourage individuals over the age of 45 to consider careers as cabin crew, resulting in a 28% increase in the number of over-45s serving as crew members.
The new campaign, featuring diverse easyJet team members who transitioned from different careers, aims to illustrate that anyone can channel their skills and passions into becoming cabin crew.
In conjunction with the recruitment drive, easyJet conducted a survey of 2,000 British adults, revealing persistent misconceptions about the cabin crew role.
The research found that 75% of Britons believe that cabin crew is typically a role for women, leading to 43% of British men stating they wouldn’t consider the job due to traditional gender stereotypes.
However, nearly half of the surveyed men (45%) would have considered the role if there was more male representation, and 33% would contemplate switching careers to become cabin crew for the opportunity to travel.
Surprisingly, 97% were unaware that transitioning to a career as cabin crew requires only four weeks of training from the start to the first flight, debunking the misconception that it takes over six months.
Additional findings from the survey revealed that 63% of Britons believe offering a warm welcome is the most crucial skill for cabin crew, and over 40% emphasize the importance of being a people person.
The campaign features real-life easyJet cabin crew members who joined the airline as career changers. These include Thiago, a former opera singer; George, a former chef; Nicole, a former dental nurse; and Aurelien, a former Parisian police officer.
Ian, a former radio presenter and producer, also made the transition to cabin crew, showcasing that age is not a barrier to pursuing this career.
Michael Brown, Director of Cabin Services at easyJet, commented on the campaign, stating that individuals from various backgrounds bring valuable skills to the cabin crew role, emphasizing the importance of people and their diverse experiences.
The campaign aims to encourage individuals of all backgrounds and ages to consider careers as cabin crew members, highlighting the opportunities available at easyJet.
For more information about a career as cabin crew with easyJet, visit