In an incident near Widewater Lagoon on Saturday morning, Shoreham Lifeboat conducted a successful offshore rescue of two women who found themselves adrift on inflatable paddle boards approximately a mile from the shore. The women, despite their valiant efforts, were unable to make their way back due to the strong offshore wind and after battling the elements for over an hour, they grew exhausted and cold.
The lifeboat crew was able to locate the pair, bring them aboard the lifeboat, and subsequently deflate their paddle boards. They were then transported back to the beach. Upon their arrival, the Shoreham coastguard team greeted them, providing blankets for warmth and conducting a thorough health check.
Dom Huxley, the helm of the lifeboat, shed light on the women’s predicament, “The pair were in difficulty as they were a long way off and no one else was around. They weren’t wearing life jackets or buoyancy aids and there was an offshore wind blowing.” Huxley noted, however, that the pair was fortunate to have had a mobile phone with them, allowing them to call the coastguard for assistance.
In the wake of this incident, the Shoreham Lifeboat team is emphasising the importance of safety precautions when going out to sea. Recommendations include always wearing a lifejacket or buoyancy aid, checking the sea and weather conditions beforehand, carrying a fully charged mobile phone in a waterproof pouch, informing someone about the intended destination, and not venturing out if any doubt arises. These steps, they affirm, are vital to prevent such incidents and ensure personal safety.