Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Update Denton Flooding: Residents taken home by boat

East Sussex highways have closed Denton Road in Denton near the Flying Fish Public House due to flooding.

The Flying Fish Public house which has also been flooded said “Arm bands and wetsuits are the attire for the pub this week”

A number of residents are unable to access their homes so the fire service shipped them to their properties by boat.

Photo – Charlotte Morgan

A spokesperson for East Sussex Fire Service said “

We were called at 13.38 on Tuesday 17 January 2023 to flooding along the road in Denton Road, Newhaven. Flooding has also affected several properties.

We are working with Sussex Police, Environment Agency, East Sussex Highways and Lewes District Council.

West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service is also in attendance with its High Volume Pump.

The road has been closed, please continue to avoid the area while we work.

We expect to remain on scene for the rest of today.”

Credit – Bognor Fire Station WSFRS

Bognor Fire station from west Sussex Said “We are assisting our colleagues East Sussex FRS with a flooding incident in Newhaven on the HVP. We were mobilised this afternoon and remain at the scene diverting water away from nearby houses.”

Credit – Flying Fish Pub

Councillor Sean MacLeod who has been on the scene since early this morning said at 10:30 pm “Hi all last update from me as I’m heading home, please don’t walk through the floodwater it is contaminated with raw sewage the water can’t currently be pumped any more as one the contamination and two there is nowhere for it go due to water table being so high they are going to manage it by just keeping the water away from the houses and it’s a bit of a waiting game now.

The fire service will be on site all night dealing with this incident.”

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