A contentious proposal to build an 18-storey residential tower on Beach Road, Newhaven, East Sussex is set to be reviewed by the planning committee on 6th November. The tower, intended to house over 120 residential units, has raised concerns due to its provision of only 81 parking spaces—a figure some residents and officials argue is insufficient for the anticipated influx of new occupants.
While the recommendation from planning officers is reportedly in favor of approval, the development has faced strong opposition from local representatives and community members. Local Councillor Sean Macleod has publicly condemned the plan, stating, “I won’t lie; I’m completely against it for so many reasons. We will keep campaigning to make sure this is not built.”
A resident to Social media adn said “I have objected in writing and have been invited to the planning committee meeting 6th December, 5pm, and I will go along and apply to speak. It is a totally inappropriate building for this little seaside town, and the increase in density of living and the impact this would have on our already completely overcrowded roads, lack of GP services, and already totally wrecked town centre is difficult to imagine. Surely, there must be many,many more appropriate and simply less extreme ways of dealing with this site? Totally out of character.”
The tower, if approved, would be one of the tallest structures in the area, altering the Beach Road skyline and potentially impacting traffic and parking in surrounding neighborhoods. Concerns about increased congestion, lack of infrastructure to support the additional residents, and potential changes to the local character have been voiced throughout the consultation period.
As the 6th November committee date approaches, residents and local leaders continue to monitor the proposal closely, with many expressing hope that their views will be taken into account during the final decision. Sussex News will provide updates on this developing story and the outcome of the planning committee’s decision.