Residents of Bexhill-on-Sea have gathered outside the town hall despite the council’s cancellation of a meeting that was scheduled for Wednesday, 5th April. The meeting was cancelled due to fears of a large number of protestors who intended to confront councillors both outside the Town Hall and in the meeting.

The meeting was meant to be the April meeting of the full town council and not a public meeting specifically about the Northeye proposals. The council regrets cancelling the meeting but feels it necessary to keep councillors, staff, and the public safe.
According to a statement from the council, there is limited capacity at the Town Hall, so they do not feel that it is a safe place to facilitate a meeting of this importance. However, the council promises to organise a public meeting at a more suitable venue and focus entirely on the Northeye proposal. Details of the meeting will be made available shortly.
The decision to select Northeye as a site for housing asylum seekers was made by the Home Office, and the council was only informed of the decision last week when it became public. The council is fully aware of the deep concerns felt by Bexhill residents following the Home Office decision to house asylum seekers at Northeye.
Rother District Council and East Sussex County Council are working together to assess the impact this would have on the community, and the Town Council will liaise directly with them on behalf of residents.

The proposal for Northeye is not yet finalised as there are further legal matters to be completed. The Home Office must also complete site and toxicology testing before the plan can go ahead.
The council encourages residents to write to Huw Merriman MP with any proposals or ideas that they may think are helpful. Mr Merriman is meeting with the Home Office and will take forward the council’s issues.
The council assures residents that it is always here to listen and support them. Residents can visit the Town Council Hub on Western Road, email their local ward councillor, or keep an eye on the council’s website and social media pages for further updates.