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Peaceful protest surrounds Bexhill full council meeting on asylum centre

Last night 19 April 2023, during the Full Council meeting, pro and anti-immigration supporters gathered once again on the green opposite Bexhill Town Hall. The attendees expressed their sharply divided opinions on the proposed asylum centre at the former Northeye Prison site in Little Common. However, the atmosphere remained relatively calm, with impassioned speeches and peaceful demonstrations.

MP Huw Merriman recently convened a meeting with Home Office officials and local service providers to discuss the plans for Northeye and the challenges the proposal has raised. The Home Office confirmed that the proposed centre would only accommodate asylum seekers with pending applications, such as those currently in hotels. Those arriving illegally, such as via the English Channel, will not be housed at Northeye.

Asylum seekers will go through a security screening process before arriving at Northeye, and only those with low-level needs will be accommodated. There is a target for all applications to be processed within six months, with a maximum stay of around 90 days at the centre. Approved asylum seekers will move out to find permanent housing, while those refused will be removed from the centre.

A dedicated onsite team will process applications, with access to legal counsel for asylum seekers. Northeye will accommodate a maximum of 1,200 asylum seekers, phased in starting with 400 in September, followed by two more groups of 400 each by December.

The Home Office hopes that measures in the Illegal Migration Bill, currently in Parliament, will ease pressure on the asylum system and decrease the number of people claiming asylum in the UK. A toxicology report is being conducted to assess site contamination and costs, with completion expected in six weeks.

An induction and orientation course will be provided to help asylum seekers integrate and become good citizens and neighbours, with English language lessons also offered. The Home Office will establish subgroups with local stakeholders, including the police, NHS, and local authorities, to address the specific design and workings of the site.

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