Friday, February 7, 2025
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Video: Happy Ending in 2022 for Thor the Walrus

A Walrus known as Thor was spotted having a Happy Ending to 2022 on a stop off Scarborough this New Year’s Eve.

It is thought he is the same Walrus that has been spotted in Brittany in France then along the Southern Coast in Hampshire making his way through Sussex and around Kent stopping off a few times on its way.

The visitor has attracted large crowds, so many that Scarborough Borough Council canceled the town’s New Year’s Eve fireworks display on the advice of British Divers Marine Life Rescue.

Thor has now finished his New Year Break and has gone back to sea where it is thought he is heading north back to the Arctic.

Thor is thought to be the first walrus to have visited Yorkshire in recent years though two others, Wally and Freya, have been recorded in the UK since 2021.

Walruses often spend several days resting in the same spot before returning to the sea.

A spokesperson for the Yorkshire and Lincolnshire British Divers Marine Life Rescue organisation Said

“After receiving a call for a WALRUS at Scarborough via Scarborough Sealife in the late hours of yesterday, medics were tasked to the site to monitor and mitigate disturbance.

Over the early hours of the morning Thor moved around, and over the daylight hours was visited by several thousand people before choosing to depart.

Our medics are exhausted and wet, yet they have a message for all the public, Police, RSPCA staff, Sealife staff, Harbour masters, Scarborough Council, photographers, and the media.

We thank you wholeheartedly for everything today. We are also delighted that Thor has decided to move on and hope that he returns home.”

Please remember this advice from the BDMLR if you find a stranded whale, dolphin, or porpoise. You can also find out more information from them at

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