Thursday, February 13, 2025
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A Flood Alert has been issued by the Environment Agency for the Cuckmere River

Flood Alert in force: Cuckmere River issued by the Environment Agency

Flooding is possible for: Cuckmere River and tributaries from Vines Cross to Exceat Bridge.

Be prepared.

Persistent and at times heavy rain is forecast on Sunday and Monday, potentially half a month’s rain (30-60mm) could fall. Minor flood impacts are expected. If the higher amounts of rain occur, property flooding could be possible. From 22:00 on 18/12/2022, flooding could affect fields, rural roads, gardens and approach properties on Mill Lane, Hellingly, Grove Hill near Grovebridge Farm and Hammer Lane near Cowbeech.

From 04:00 on 19/12/2022, flood impacts could affect properties on Station Road, Church Lane and Church Road. From 14:00 on 19/12/2022, flooding could also affect North Street, Willows Car Park, River Lane, The Old Clergy House and Deans Place Hotel, Alfriston.

Further rain predicted on Monday morning and evening could cause the Cuckmere and Bull Rivers to rise higher again. River levels could remain higher than normal all week. Plan to avoid driving routes that are vulnerable to flooding, including Mill Lane and Church Road, Hellingly and North Street, Alfriston.

We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on 19/12/2022.

To check the latest information for your area


* Visit the GOV.UK website to see the current flood warnings, view river and sea levels or check the 5-day flood risk forecast:…/065WAF451

* Or call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 using quick dial code: 216096.

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