Cooking oil thefts across the county

Arun Police

Police have seen an increase in reports of cooking oil thefts across Sussex.

The theft of cooking oil has been identified as a national issue. It is thought that thieves are stealing used oil to turn it into unregulated biodiesel which can then be sold on the black market.


Police would urge local businesses to be vigilant and keep cooking oil supplies safe and secure:

  • Ensure that alarms, CCTV and security lighting are installed and in good working order. Install lockable gates / fencing which screen any tanks or barrels from view of the road.
  • If this is not possible then keep barrels out of reach.
  • Be wary of those who may claim to be subcontractors – if you’re unsure, ask for ID.
  • If you witness anyone acting suspiciously, please dial 999 straight away.

If your business has been targeted for oil then please ensure you report it to Sussex Police

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