Man convicted for drugs offences after A27 vehicle stop

Sussex Police = Tomaszewski, 58, formerly of Fetherston Road, Lancing,

A speeding motorist has been jailed after he was found with drugs stashed in his vehicle.

Officers from the Specialist Enforcement Unit were on patrol on the A27 at Worthing when they spotted a blue Proton Savvy travelling at excess speed at about 8.45pm on May 15.


When the vehicle was stopped, officers noted a strong smell of cannabis and searched the driver, Marion Tomaszewski.

They found he had a small amount of white powder in his wallet which was tested as amphetamine and a lock knife in his trouser pocket.

A further search of his vehicle found him in possession of ten wraps of cocaine, wrapped in lottery tickets, seven wraps of amphetamines in an old Strepsils tin, seven bags of cannabis in an old whisky tin, 19 MDMA pills, and a green tin containing five cannabis joints.

Officers also seized “burner” mobile phones that Tomaszewski used to make drug deals.

Tomaszewski, 58, formerly of Fetherston Road, Lancing, was charged with possessing cocaine, amphetamine, MDMA and cannabis all with intent to supply, and with possession of a bladed article, possession of cannabis and possession of amphetamines.

Sussex Police

At Lewes Crown Court on June 14 he pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced to a total of three years and two months in prison.

The court also ordered the forfeiture and destruction of all the drugs and the mobile phone seized by the officers, and ordered Tomaszewski to pay a £190 victim surcharge.

A spokesperson for the Specialist Enforcement Unit said: “This result shows our determination to disrupt the supply of drugs on the roads in Sussex.

“Tomaszewski’s lucky number was up when we found the drugs he had stashed in unused lottery tickets and other tins.

“We have stopped him from selling a variety of class A and class B drugs that cause harm to our communities.

“He can now think about the impact his drug-dealing has and whether it was worth it while he serves his prison sentence.”

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