Saturday, February 15, 2025
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Southern Water asking you to give your pipes a low-fat diet this festive season

Southern Water is asking people to help prevent gruesome ‘fatbergs’ clogging up the sewer network

it’s the time of year when gruesome ‘fatbergs’ can clog up the sewer network, as nasty blockages caused by fat, grease, and other ‘unflushable’ items find their way into the pipes.

Head of Southern Water’s wastewater network, Alex Saunders said:

“No-one likes a nasty surprise over the festive season and our sewers are no different. This is the time of year where we do see an increase in blockages, and so many of these can be easily avoided.

“A blocked sewer can cause flooding to homes and businesses and unclogging them can take a lot of time, effort and disruption for local communities. So please only flush the three P’s down the toilet (pee, paper and poo) and avoid putting oils and grease down the drain too.

Here are some top tips to play your part in reducing blockages:

In the kitchen

  • Fat, oil and grease (known as FOG) should never go down the drain. Instead, gather them in containers, allow them to cool, and put them in the bin
  • Leftover uncooked food and vegetable peelings can be composted, and cooked foods binned, so they stay well clear of plug holes and drains
  • Any leftover sauces or yoghurt should be put in the bin too!

In the bathroom

  • Flush only the three Ps down the loo – pee, paper and poo
  • Nappies, baby wipes, tampons, sanitary towels, panty liners, colostomy bags and condoms should be bagged and binned
  • Cleansing wipes, ear buds, dental floss, plastic razors and cotton pads should go in the bin, not down

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