The famous Brighton Original ‘Gut Buster’ could be at risk as local institute “Market Diner” goes on the market

Original 'Gut Buster' Market Diner Brighton

The all-night cafe the Market Diner in Circus St, Brighton has been part of the Brighton nightlife serving up food day and night hours a day, and is famous for the Original  ‘Gut Buster’ Breakfast.

The cafe has been in operation right back in the 70’s and is an institution among Brighton clubbers and night workers. The Brighton Fruit & Veg market which opened in 1937 was located right opposite till 2005 when it relocated to out-of-town and is now replaced with
an expansive events space and Student accommodation.

The market Diner Before and after its refit in recent years

Companies house shows Market Diner Brighton Limited went into voluntary liquidation on the 29th of September 2022.

The Cafe is on the market at with an asking price of £180,000 it states the Annual Turnover is £350,000 with a Net Profit of£60,000.

The Listing says “For sale here is a well-established diner and takeaway in Brighton offering no-frills home-cooked food to a huge range of customers.”

“This is a unique opportunity in terms of the business itself and also the timing of it coming up for sale.”

“Any potential buyer can pick up this business which already has a healthy and consistent turnover as well as a huge potential for growth due to a building development that has just been finished, which will bring an enormous captive market to the business.”

“The whole area has been redeveloped and features a beautifully paved road. The business has now been fully fitted out with a new roof, front cladding, modern furniture, energy-saving lightbulbs, an illuminated sign, and a new extractor fan.”

“The premises benefit from great customer footfall, with over 450 students living across the road, and a further 600 residents having just moved in.”

“Inside the new development, there are also offices and a dance studio, which attract over 50k visitors each year. This will provide plenty of passing custom for the new owner.”