Someone this week has made their thoughts known clear on Parking charges that have come into force at Winnie-the-Poohs home of Ashdown Forest. This introduction of parking charges has been met with uproar in the local, nature-loving community.
Sussex News spoke to a member of Ashdown Forest Dog Walkers on this topic: “The so-called consultation was overwhelming against charges. Many other ways to fund [it]. Do you know that under the Ashdown Forest Act 1974 ESCC have a statutory duty to fund Ashdown Forest they have turned a blind eye. It needs [an] independent investigation.”

The induction of charges has been challenged by CPRE, the countryside charity, Sussex. In their response to the proposal, they argued: “What makes this particularly disappointing is the apparent failure to attach importance to the welldocumented health-enhancing effects of visiting Ashdown Forest. At this time of pandemic uncertainty and restrictions its importance is all the greater. (Dec 2021)”