Repeat Sex Offender Jailed for Breaching Sexual Risk Order in Crawley

Malak Siftul-Hassan, 32, Violated Terms Prohibiting Contact with Underage Girl

Malak Siftul-Hassan, 32,
Photo - Sussex Police

Malak Siftul-Hassan, a repeat sex offender with no fixed address, has been sentenced to 12 months in prison for breaching a Sexual Risk Order in Crawley. The order, issued on 4 January at Brighton Magistrates’ Court, came after investigations into the sexual exploitation of a teenage girl.

The terms of the order barred Siftul-Hassan from various activities, including being in the company of anyone under 18 without a parent or legal guardian, and communicating with a named 16-year-old girl. However, on the evening of Friday, 8 March, he was observed in her company in Crawley town centre.

Following his arrest the next day, a search of Siftul-Hassan’s mobile phone revealed recent communications with the underage girl. He was subsequently charged and convicted of twice breaching his Sexual Risk Order.

The sentencing took place at Lewes Crown Court on 10 June, where the Judge imposed the 12-month jail term, emphasising the seriousness of Siftul-Hassan’s repeated violations and the need to protect vulnerable individuals.

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