Eastern Road Brighton by the RSCH will be closed this weekend

Eastern Road will be closed this weekend where it passes the 3Ts construction site at the Royal Sussex County Hospital.

From the evening of Friday 8th July to the evening of Sunday 10th July, a crane will be set up on Eastern Road outside the 3Ts Redevelopment. Traffic will be diverted to the south of the hospital along St George’s Road. All the hospital’s entrances and buildings will remain open as usual.


The Royal Sussex County Hospital redevelopment team said

“There are planters in many of the building’s open spaces. This weekend we will be lifting over 300 tonnes of soil into these planters, ready for some clever people with green fingers to bring plant life into the heart of the new hospital building.”

“These planters and green spaces will be found on various levels. They are just one of the ways we are seeking to improve the experience of everyone coming to the new building.”

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