Police Respond to Altercation in Lewes Road, Brighton

43-Year-Old Man Arrested on Multiple Charges Including Assault and Racially Aggravated Fear of Violence

Man Arrested After Lewes Road Disturbance in Brighton
Photo - ImJustBrighton

Police were called to Lewes Road, Brighton, just before 8 PM on Tuesday, June 18, following reports of an altercation. Upon arrival, officers arrested a 43-year-old man from Brighton on suspicion of several offenses, including criminal damage, assault of an emergency worker, and racially aggravated fear of violence.

Video ImJustBrighton

A Sussex Police spokesperson told Sussex News, “Police were alerted to an altercation in Lewes Road, Brighton, at around 7.50 PM on Tuesday (18 June). A 43-year-old man from Brighton was arrested on suspicion of criminal damage, assault of an emergency worker, and racially aggravated fear of violence.”

The suspect has been released on conditional bail as investigations continue. The spokesperson added, “He has been released on conditional bail while enquiries continue.”

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