In a devastating incident early this morning at 3:48 am, emergency services rushed to respond to a fire engulfing a residential property on Preston Road in Brighton. The situation quickly escalated, prompting road closures in the vicinity, diverting buses and traffic to ensure public safety.
Tragically, a 50-year-old man was confirmed deceased at the scene as firefighters from Preston Circus, Roedean, Newhaven, Bexhill, Lewes, and West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service battled the flames in the three-story building’s basement flat.
Amidst the chaos, a 36-year-old woman from Brighton has been arrested on suspicion of murder. Sussex Police spokesperson issued a statement, urging the public’s cooperation: “Emergency services are currently dealing with a fire inside a property in Preston Road, Brighton. A road closure is in place from Ditchling Rise to the junction of Stanford Avenue. Please seek alternative routes while services work in the area.”
Enquiries to understand the circumstances surrounding this tragedy are ongoing, with Sussex Police appealing for any information related to the incident. Individuals can make reports through the online reporting form or by calling 101, quoting Operation Tunnel.
East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service provided additional details about their response to the incident. “We were called to a fire in a basement flat of a three-story building in Preston Road, Brighton at 3.48 on Sunday morning (March 10). Crews used breathing apparatus, an electric saw, and forcible entry to access the property. Despite the efforts, one fatality was reported, and a female was taken into the care of the ambulance service.”
The cause of the fire remains unknown, and a thorough fire investigation is set to take place.