East Sussex Fire Authority has embarked on a transformative project at Preston Circus Community Fire Station, marking a significant investment in the future of firefighting in Brighton. This “once in a generation” refurbishment aims to modernise the historic station, which has been a cornerstone of the community since its original construction in the 1930s and its firefighting legacy dating back to 1901.
Chief Fire Officer Dawn Whittaker highlighted the evolution of the fire and rescue service and the necessity of updating the facilities to meet contemporary needs. With a substantial investment of £4.9 million, the project will enhance the station’s capabilities, ensuring it remains a vital asset for the Brighton and Hove communities. The refurbishment includes the addition of an accessible community room, aiming to foster closer ties between the fire service and the public.
The redesign efforts have been a collaborative process, utilizing best practices and expertise to create a space that not only accommodates the staff and their equipment but also improves building performance and reduces operational costs. While the focus is on the interior, the iconic curved frontage of the station will be preserved, maintaining its historical significance.
During the renovation period, fire services will be temporarily relocated to an alternative site on Dyke Road in Brighton. This ensures that the community will continue to receive uninterrupted service while the Preston Circus station undergoes its transformation.
Station Manager Tom Walby expressed the enthusiasm of the Preston Circus teams for the upcoming changes. The upgrade will address the needs of modern firefighting and support staff while preserving the station’s rich history. Moreover, the new facilities are designed to mitigate the risks associated with contaminants brought back to the station on equipment and clothing after incidents, enhancing safety for the firefighters.
This investment in Preston Circus Community Fire Station is a forward-looking initiative that promises to equip Brighton’s firefighting teams with a state-of-the-art facility, ready to serve the community for generations to come.