Scent of Support: Brighton’s Lynx Posters Highlight Palestinian Solidarity Ripped Down

Photo - Sussex News

The streets of Brighton witnessed a bold artistic statement today as “Pattern Up,” an Instagram artist known for their “Sophisticated Vandalism,” installed controversial posters across the city. The posters satirically depict the familiar Lynx Africa deodorant, a common Christmas gift from grandmothers.

In a striking message accompanying the art, Pattern Up stated on their Instagram account ( “24/7 social cleansing & 24/7 lie masking’. This Christmas, the typical Lynx Africa gift set represents a corporate view of an entire continent’s musk, reminiscent of boys’ changing rooms at school.”

Further intensifying the controversy, Pattern Up’s statement linked the mundane act of receiving this gift to a broader, more serious issue: “The real bafflement should be towards the genocide committed by Israeli forces. Free the people of Palestine!”

This unexpected blend of humor and political activism has sparked varied reactions among Brighton’s residents. While some applaud the artist’s courage to address global issues, others find the approach insensitive.

In a recent development surrounding the controversial Lynx-themed posters by Pattern Up in Brighton, a video shared by im just Brighton (ttps:// has captured a significant moment of tension. The footage reveals an individual actively removing the posters from the BBC building on Queens Road. This act of dismantling Pattern Up’s work, which melds art with messages of Palestinian solidarity, has intensified the debate in the Brighton community. The video not only highlights the divided reactions to the art installation but also raises critical questions about the freedom of expression and the role of public art.

Local authorities have not yet commented on the future of these posters.

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