Life-Jacket Wearing Penguins and Rishi Sunak Cutout Pop Up at Hastings

Visitors intrigued by creative display with signpost to Antarctica, Heathrow, Rwanda, and Gatwick.

Life-Jacket Wearing Penguins and Rishi Sunak Cutout Pop Up at Hastings
Photo - Hastings Pier

Visitors to Hastings were greeted this morning by an unusual and eye-catching new piece of artwork on the beach next to the pier. The installation features a group of penguins dressed in life jackets and a cutout of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak holding a bag labeled “NIMBY.”

Accompanying the whimsical display is a signpost pointing towards various locations, including Antarctica, Heathrow, Rwanda, and Gatwick, adding a humorous and thought-provoking element to the creation.

A spokesperson for Hastings Pier commented on the surprise artwork, stating, “Look what we found washed up just by the pier this morning… We have seen some incredible artwork pop up around the beach over the years, what do you think of this instalment?

The artwork has quickly become a talking point among locals and visitors alike, who are intrigued by its playful yet potentially political undertones. The presence of the penguins and the signpost suggests themes of travel and displacement, while the “NIMBY” bag held by the Prime Minister’s cutout adds a layer of social commentary.

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