Peacehaven Delivery Driver Sentenced for Child Sexual Assault and Rape

Photo - Sussex Police

A delivery driver from Peacehaven has been sentenced to prison for committing severe sexual offenses against two young girls. The initial report, made in December 2021, concerned a girl under five years old who had been subjected to repeated sexual assaults.

This led to the arrest of Matthew Barca, a 31-year-old resident of Peacehaven. Further investigation revealed a second victim, now in her 20s, who disclosed that she too had been assaulted by Barca during her childhood.

Barca faced multiple charges, including sexual assault and rape of a child under 13, as well as possession of indecent images of children. He admitted to all charges at Lewes Crown Court. Consequently, he was sentenced to nine years and eight months in prison, with an additional period on extended license due to the perceived risk he poses to the public.

Furthermore, Barca received an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order, which restricts his access to children and digital devices. He was also registered as a sex offender and received restraining orders to protect his victims.

This case underscores the serious nature of crimes against children and the justice system’s role in addressing such offenses.

Detective Constable Stewart Cameron said: “Matthew Barca is a committed, dangerous offender who preyed on two innocent young girls in the most appalling ways.

“Thanks to their bravery and determination, we have been able to bring him to justice and help protect other vulnerable children.

“If you or someone you know has been a victim of a sexual offence, no matter how long ago, please report it to us. We will believe you, we will support you and we will do all we can to get you justice.

“Report online, via 101 or dial 999 in an emergency”

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