Saturday, February 8, 2025
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Green Party and Labour Party join forces to lead Lewes District Council

An alliance of the Green Party and Labour Party will run Lewes District Council.   At a meeting of Annual Council (22 May), Councillor Zoe Nicholson, Leader of the Green Group, was confirmed as the new Leader of Lewes District Council and Councillor Christine Robinson (Labour) as Deputy Leader.

Following the local elections on May 4, the Green Party became the largest party on Lewes District Council with 17 councillors, while the Liberal Democrats has 15 and there are nine Labour councillors.

Councillor Zoe Nicholson, Leader of Lewes District Council, said: “I am very much looking forward to continuing to work collaboratively with all parties.

“Our Co-operative Alliance will continue the ground-breaking work of the previous administration with energy and commitment to all the people we serve across the district and will have the benefit of a constructive critical friend from Liberal Democrat colleagues.

“I am also really delighted that we are breaking the mould with the only all-female leadership team in East Sussex, Christine Robinson, Labour, will join me as Deputy Leader. It’s an honour to serve alongside her and create a new way of working. This is the first time two women from two different political parties have led Lewes District Council.”

Councillor Nicholson’s first Cabinet will include four Green Party councillors and four Labour Party councillors.

All the Cabinet councillors and their portfolios are listed below:

Councillor Zoe Nicholson, Finance, Assets and Community Wealth Building

Councillor Christine Robinson, Community Wellbeing

Councillor Laurence O’Connor, Planning and Infrastructure

Councillor Wendy Maples, Neighbourhood Wellbeing

Councillor Emily O’Brien, Climate, Nature and Food Systems

Councillor Mark Slater, Tenants and those in housing need

Councillor Johnny Denis, Arts, Culture and Tourism & Leisure

Councillor Chris Collier, Innovation, Delivery and People

The new Chair of the Council is Councillor Ian Alexander (Labour).  The Deputy Chair is Lesley Boniface (Liberal Democrat).

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