Saturday, February 15, 2025
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Selsey coastguard respond to reports of ordnance on the beach

At 6:25 pm on Boxing Day (26th December 2022) The Selsey Coastguard Team was paged to reports of possible ordnance on the beach at Seal Bay Resort.

On arrival, the Coastguard officers located the item on the beach and declared it safe and not an ordnance, and removed and disposed of the item.

A spokesperson for Selsey Coastguard said, “Although, the first informants did exactly the right thing by calling 999 and asking for the Coastguard.”

“Ordnance comes in all different shapes and sizes and ordnance found on nearby beaches has been found to still be highly explosive.”

“If you come across anything suspicious or unusual on the beach please don’t touch it and call the Coastguard straight away.”

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