Tuesday, October 8, 2024
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Two former Sussex police officers breached standards of professional behaviour

Two former Sussex police officers have had allegations of breaching standards of professional behaviour proven against them.

The officers were the subject of separate accelerated misconduct hearings presided by the Chief Constable at Sussex Police HQ, Lewes, on Monday 17 October.

An accelerated misconduct hearing is held when there is incontrovertible evidence and it is in the public interest to remove the officer from service as soon as possible, or in the case of an ex-officer, to have them placed on the barred list.

The first hearing concerned a former police officer PC Joseph Bryant, who was based at Hastings. It heard that he was dishonest to investigators whilst he was under investigation for failing to comply with force policy in relation to secondary employment.

He admitted helping a relative with their business but denied receiving any payment. Investigative work of his mobile phone revealed that he did receive payment for this secondary employment.

This allegation was found to be proven and this amounted to a breach of standards of professional behaviour for honesty and integrity. Former PC Bryant would have been dismissed, had he not already resigned in February.

The second hearing concerned a former police officer, known as PC X, who was given anonymity following representations.

On 7 June former PC X had been required to provide a sample of urine in line with the force’s substance misuse and testing policy. The sample had identified that he had ingested cocaine, a class A drug. Former PC X faced two allegations that he had presented as fit for duty having ingested cocaine and breached the standards of professional behaviour for fitness for duty and discreditable conduct.

Chief Constable Shiner, found the allegations proven and therefore he would have been dismissed from the force, had he not already retired in August.

Chief Constable Shiner said: “I expect our officers to act with the upmost integrity, and in accordance with the force’s values, the Code of Ethics and the Standards of Professional Behaviour. The actions of these officers fell short of that, and there is no place in Sussex Police for such behaviour.

“I am extremely proud of the staff, officers and volunteers working for Sussex Police. The unacceptable conduct that has been heard will not be tolerated. This poor behaviour should not overshadow the hard work of others.” 

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