Thor the Walrus was spotted in Brittany in France then along the Southern Coast in Hampshire making his way through Sussex and around Kent stopping off a few times before turning up over the new year in Scarborough where he had a Happy ending to the year now decided his next stop was on a private pontoon 100 miles north in Northumberland. before taking back to the seas heading North.
Video of thor in Scarbrough
The British Divers Marine Life Rescue released the following statement
We were alerted yesterday afternoon that Thor had been seen hauled out on a private pontoon at Blythe Yacht club in Northumberland, 100 miles away from his last rest stop in Scarborough.
On a private pontoon, behind locked gates, with access only for boat owners, he had a nice long snooze; his only visitors being a few reporters and, of course, our amazing Marine Mammal Medics who worked on a rota system to monitor him throughout the rest of the day and night. At around 6.45am this morning he plopped back into the sea to continue his travels

*Images by our amazing Medics in Northumberland showing the massive patch left by Thor, and how he looked through thermal imaging while he was being monitored.
We are delighted to see he is headed in the right direction, hopefully back to his friends in the colder climes of the arctic circle. We are also delighted by the incredible response we have had from members of the public throughout his journey across the UK.
However, we are of course concerned about where he may end up next, due to the response of the Norwegian Government to Freya visiting last year; choosing to euthanise her due to safety concerns where members of the public refused to respect her from a safe distance. We hope we can lead by example of how such an incredible animal should be treated; with the utmost respect and dignity. Please allow him to get home safely
Please help us by signing our ongoing petition to stop what happened to Freya ever happening again –