Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Candy crushed: Serial chocolate thief gets a not-so-sweet sentence

Jordan Thomson, a 30-year-old with an uncontrollable sweet tooth and no permanent residence, has found himself imprisoned for the second time this year. His most recent offence involved pilfering £116 worth of chocolate bars from the Co-Op store located on New Broadway in Worthing. The incident, which took place on April 30th, shortly after Thomson’s previous release from prison for similar offences, was caught on camera.

The CCTV footage captured the moment when Thomson pocketed 48 Twix bars, 48 Snickers bars, 24 Bounty bars, and 24 Yorkie bars from the store. However, his thieving spree didn’t stop there. In the following weeks, Thomson went on to steal 10 jars of coffee, five packets of washing detergent, two bottles of vodka, and a considerable amount of meat from various stores around Worthing.

Due to his repeated criminal behaviour, store employees were swift in recognising Thomson and contacted the police, providing multiple clips from CCTV footage as evidence. The series of thefts included shops such as the Co-Op on South Street, Worthing; Savers on Montague Street, Worthing; Tesco on Dominion Road, Worthing; and the Co-Op on Ham Road, Shoreham.

Thomson was arrested and charged with six counts of theft involving a total of £357.40 worth of goods. He confessed to all charges and received a sentence of 22 weeks at Crawley Magistrates’ Court on May 22. Additionally, the court mandated Thomson to pay £239 in costs.

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