Saturday, February 15, 2025
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Help Newhaven RNLI capture footage of their life-saving work with your unused GoPro Session cameras

Newhaven RNLI has issued an urgent appeal for the donation of GoPro Session cameras to capture footage of their life-saving actions. The appeal calls on people who own the now-discontinued cameras to donate them to the lifeboat station to help them continue sharing content on social media and capture footage to feature on the popular BBC2 series ‘Saving Lives at Sea’.

Currently, the lifeboat station only has one GoPro Session camera remaining that fits their helmets due to damage. They urgently require two more cameras to continue their operations.

The life-saving charity is asking people to donate any GoPro Session cameras that they no longer use or that are gathering dust in drawers. The cameras will be used to capture footage of Newhaven RNLI in action and help raise awareness of the vital work they do.

If you have a GoPro Session camera that you think could be put to better use, the lifeboat station is requesting you to get in touch, drop it off, or post it to Newhaven Lifeboat Station, West Quay, Newhaven, East Sussex, BN9 9BX.

Newhaven RNLI hopes that this appeal will help them continue to capture the best possible footage of their life-saving work and inspire others to support their vital mission.

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